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Discover the Hidden Secrets of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 2024

Unraveling the Enigma: Prince of Persia - The Lost Crown 2024

Discover the Hidden Secrets of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 2024


Prepare to be fascinated by "Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown," an action-adventure video game set to be published by Ubisoft in 2024. In this brand-new adventure, you'll take on the role of Sargon, a legendary Persian hero. In this dimension, manipulating time and performing gravity-defying gymnastics are necessary for life.

Discover the Hidden Secrets of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 2024

Key Features:

  • Platforming and Acrobatic Combat: Master the art of parkour as you dart across dangerous environments, leaping from one platform to another and scaling cliffs with the grace of a pro. Take part in graceful combat, precisely timing your sword manipulation and deflections.
  • Powers and skills related to time: Learn how to manipulate time and develop special abilities that change how time passes. You may obtain strategic benefits, slow down enemies, and rewind mistakes throughout platforming and battle problems.
  • The Persian Mythological World: Dive headfirst into the intricate tapestry of Persian mythology. Learn the legends of Mount Qaf and explore a world of life and intrigue.


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown takes players on an exciting adventure filled with thrilling action and challenging puzzles. With its stunning visuals, intriguing story, and groundbreaking time-based gameplay, the latest Prince of Persia game offers an exhilarating adventure for fans and newcomers alike.

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