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Exploring the Supernatural: Banishers in New Eden 2024

The Enigmatic Nature of Banishers: Unmasking the Spirits of New Eden 2024

Exploring the Supernatural: Banishers in New Eden 2024


A curse is placed upon the colonial settlements of New Eden in the year 1695. In this game, you assume the role of a Banisher, who specializes in protecting human beings from supernatural threats such as the undead and other supernatural threats. By working with your buddy, you can eliminate this evil at its root and ultimately restore peace to the nation.

Exploring the Supernatural: Banishers in New Eden 2024

Key Features:

  • Take control of two protagonists: Red, a formidable fighter armed with traditional equipment, and Antea, a ghost with supernatural abilities. You may use them interchangeably to combat foes, overcome obstacles, and solve riddles. Red's strength lies in his physical prowess, while Antea's spectral abilities allow her to interact with the supernatural world, providing unique solutions to challenges.
  • Story Decisions: How the story unfolds and the characters' destinies are shaped by your decisions. Is your spectral sweetheart doomed to an eternity in the hereafter, or can you free her?
  • You may overcome difficult enemies in Spectral Combat by combining Red's weapons with Antea's spectral skills. Go on adventures, gather supplies, and prepare for more demanding challenges.


From the developers of Life is Strange and Vampyr comes Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, an eerily beautiful action role-playing game. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is the ideal game for those looking for an exhilarating adventure that blends action, intrigue, and otherworldly thrills.

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