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The Ultimate Dead Cells Weapons Guide for 2024

The Top Dead Cells Mods to Enhance Your Gameplay in 2024

The Ultimate Dead Cells Weapons Guide for 2024


In Dead Cells, you're thrown into a Metroidvania roguelike with a twist: an eternal prisoner confined in a constantly changing fortress. Though each death is a disappointment, they all propel you on. Discovering permanent enhancements that marginally increase your strength for the following run is a perk of exploring the castle's depths. Fast action and peril await you in this gripping journey, where you will discover something new with every death.

The Ultimate Dead Cells Weapons Guide for 2024

Key Features:

  • Discover a vast, interconnected castle that changes and adapts with every playthrough in this persistent roguevania.
  • Permanent upgrades make you more robust over time, even after your character dies.
  • Frenzied Fighting: Master a variety of weapons and skills to thrash enemies in a bloodbath.
  • The key is to think on your feet and use your weapons strategically.
  • Unlocking new weapons, mutations, and abilities with each death modifies your gaming style forever. Find out what works best for you by trying out different builds.
  • High Replayability: Each run is unique, thanks to procedurally generated courses and various unlockables.
  • Conquering the castle is an endlessly challenging endeavor.


There is a unique manner in which exploration, brutal combat, and limitless evolution come together in Dead Cells. Dead Cells is a game that is both addicting and punishing, and it requires your complete attention. It is essential to bear in mind that each defeat puts you one step closer to achieving triumph.

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