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XCom War of The Chosen - Character Customization Guide in 2024

XCom War of The Chosen - A Review in 2024

XCom War of The Chosen - Character Customization Guide in 2024


In 2016, an expansion pack was published for the turn-based strategy game XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. After Firaxis Games began production, 2K Games published it in August 2017 for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, and Xbox One. The new narrative campaign of the expansion takes place after the events of XCOM 2, following the alien occupying army ADVENT as they put down a revolt headed by three separate alien groups known as "The Chosen." The Chosen are strong alien leaders that provide new challenges for XCOM commanders.

XCom War of The Chosen - Character Customization Guide in 2024

Key Features:

  • The Chosen, a new enemy faction with advantages and disadvantages, is the expansion's focal point. They might sneak into your base, kidnap your soldiers, and cause unforeseen problems with your missions.
  • Revolutionary Soldier Abilities: To confront the Chosen, XCOM forces have been equipped with cutting-edge weapon modifications and explosives that can penetrate impenetrable barriers.
  • Continuing the story from XCOM 2, the War of the Chosen expansion presents a fresh narrative campaign. As you wage War against ADVENT and the Chosen, you'll encounter a host of new challenges and be forced to make tough decisions. This expansion is a compelling addition to the XCOM 2 experience.
  • War of the Chosen introduces a range of new features, including a challenging 'Legend' difficulty setting and a 'Legacy Warrior' mode that allows you to bring back soldiers from previous campaigns. These additions enhance the game's replay value and cater to a variety of player preferences.


The XCOM 2: War of the Chosen expansion adds much content to the core game. Players may take their tactics to new heights with new troop abilities and game types, and the Chosen are a worthy adversary. War of the Chosen is an essential addition for XCOM 2 fans.

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